YSGOL BAE BAGLAN Port Talbot, United Kingdom

Key facts & challenges

Short Description
Siniat has supported the development of a bespoke drylining system for Ysgol Baglan, a pioneering 'through school' in Port Talbot
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Bouygues UK
Richard Kemble Contracts
Port Talbot, United Kingdom
"We installed Siniat's metal furring suspended ceiling system in the classrooms, using Pregybel - a perforated plasterboard that reduces reverberant noise and echo by absorbing sound waves. The acoustics in the classroom spaces are now much better then you'd find with a traditional plasterboard suspended ceiling system."
Mathew Kemble Richard Kemble Contracts
"Children need to be able to hear clearly from all parts of a room to aid the teaching process. This was particularly important when designing Ysgol Bae Baglan's classrooms, as the school will also have a high number of pupils with special educational needs."
Phil Grant Stride Treglown Architects

Project description

Ysgol Bae Baglan is a landmark project for the Welsh education sector. The single biggest investment in schooling infrastructure in Neath Port Talbot's history, the £40 million project has created a new 'through school' - a unique education model providing seamless schooling from ages three to 16. It combines four existing schools - three secondary, one primary to house up to 1,500 pupils.

Working closely with the main contractor, Bouygues UK, drylining contractor Richard Kemble Contracts, and the project architect, Stride Treglown, Siniat developed a bespoke, high performance drylining system that would meet the school's unique needs and provide the best technical solutions for the build, along with supplying Weather Defence for the external sheathing.

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